Tuesday, March 19, 2013

EMLS on the Rise

EMLS Secretary Tori Herman has been selected as Editor-in-Chief for Volume VIII of the Appalachian Natural Resources Law Journal.

EMLS Treasurer Sherra Kissee has been selected as Managing Editor for Volume VIII of the Appalachian Natural Resources Law Journal.
EMLS President Matt Hardin remains on the editorial board of both the Appalachian Journal of Law and the Appalachian Natural Resources Law Journal. Look for his most recent article in next month's edition of the Appalachian Journal of Law.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Black Lung CLE

On March 16, the Energy & Mineral Law Society hosted the First Annual Black Lung Conference at the Appalachian School of Law. Thirty-eight attorneys from four states and dozens of law firms were in attendance. Both the plaintiff's and defense bar were represented, along with one judge and a physician.
Special thanks go out to the EMLS members who helped make the event such a success. Lauren Shadrick (far left), and Misti Napier-Burton (second from left) helped attorneys checking in for the daylong program. Sherra Kissee (second from right) was instrumental in compiling the written materials that the attorneys received. Dominique Ranieri (far right) is editor-in-chief of the Appalachian Natural Resources Law Journal.

Sherri Brown Keller, managing partner in the firm of Fogle Keller Purdy, PLLC, is pictured here receiving a certificate of appreciation for her work as a program instructor. Dean Lucy McGough (left) and President Matt Hardin (right) presented the award.